Maya Keane

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5 Ways to Know If Your Healing Efforts Are Really Supporting You

If you’re someone who deeply values your well-being, you’ve probably spent a lot of time, energy, and money on healing. Maybe you’ve tried therapy, acupuncture, supplements, meditation, or even overhauled your entire lifestyle. But how do you know if all the effort you’re putting in is truly working for you?

Healing isn’t just about doing more—it’s about doing what’s actually effective for your unique system. Here are five ways to check in with yourself and see if your healing efforts are genuinely supporting you.

1. You’re Not Just Managing Symptoms—You’re Seeing Real Change

If your healing routine feels like a never-ending list of things to maintain just to keep symptoms at bay, it might not be fully addressing the root causes. True healing creates meaningful shifts—you start feeling better not just in the moment but in a way that builds sustainably over time.

Ask yourself: Are my efforts leading to lasting improvements, or am I just treading water?

2. You Feel More Like Yourself (Not Like a “Better” Version of Someone Else)

A lot of wellness advice is about optimization—be more productive, have more energy, feel happier all the time. But healing isn’t about forcing yourself into an idealized version of who you think you should be. It’s about coming home to yourself, feeling more at ease in your body and mind, and being able to move through life with more clarity and confidence.

Ask yourself: Do my healing efforts feel like a way to reconnect with myself, or am I just trying to keep up with an unrealistic standard?

3. You’re Not Overwhelmed by Your Own Healing Routine

If keeping up with your self-care feels like a full-time job, it might be a sign that your approach needs some simplifying. Healing should support your life—not take it over. A truly aligned approach will feel sustainable, not like another thing on your to-do list that you’re constantly trying (and failing) to keep up with.

Ask yourself: Does my healing routine feel nourishing, or does it feel like pressure?

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4. Your Emotional Patterns Are Actually Shifting

Healing isn’t just about physical symptoms—it’s also about the emotional patterns that shape how you experience life. If you find yourself stuck in the same cycles of stress, anxiety, self-doubt, or overwhelm, it could mean that your current approach isn’t reaching deep enough to create real emotional shifts.

Ask yourself: Am I noticing deeper changes in the way I respond to challenges and experience emotions, or do I still feel stuck in the same loops?

5. You Feel More Resourced, Even in Difficult Moments

Healing doesn’t mean life suddenly becomes easy all the time, but it can help you feel more equipped to navigate challenges when they arise. If you find yourself responding to stress with a bit more clarity, bouncing back from setbacks with more steadiness, or feeling less overwhelmed by the ups and downs, that’s a sign your efforts are supporting you. Healing isn’t about eliminating struggle—it’s about building the capacity to move through it with greater resilience.

Ask yourself: Do I feel more supported and steady, even when things are hard?

Save Your Energy by Making Sure Your Healing Efforts Support You

When you're deeply invested in your healing, it’s easy to get caught up in doing more without pausing to ask: Is this actually working for me? Healing isn’t just about effort—it’s about alignment.

If something still feels off, it might be time to reassess your approach and explore what’s missing.

Watch my FREE 10-MINUTE CLASS to discover 4 reasons you might be feeling stuck in your healing journey and how to move forward.